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Mission, View and Values



Mission, View and Values
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    The General-Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, has the mission to promote the reduction of consumption of psychoactive substances, prevent addictive behaviours and decrease dependencies.

  • Assighments
    SICAD is the central body of the Ministry of Health integrated in the direct administration of the State, wich supports the Govemment member responsible for the health area, in the elaboration of the national strategy for reducing the use of psychoactive substances, prevention of addictive behaviours and reduction of dependencies and their evaluation, SICAD has the following assighments:
    · Planning and technical and normative monitoring of Prevention, Risk and Harm Reduction, Social Reintegration and Treatment Program.
    · Planning and intervention through a network of primary care, centres of integrated responses, inpatient facilities and hospitals.
    · Develop, promote and encourage scientific research.
    · Maintenance of an information systeam on the phenomenon of addictive behaviours and dependencies
    · Develop effective mechanisms for planning and coordinating the definition of policies to be implemented
    · Perform diagnosis of the needs for interventions at national level, define priorities and the type of intervention to develop.
    · Define the technical and normative guidelines for the intervention in addictive behaviours and dependencies



    ​Consolidate and develop an integrated policy in the scope of addictive behaviours and dependencies, based on intersectoral articulation, aiming at sustainable gains in health and social welfare.

    Humanism and pragmatism

    The humanistic principle means the recognition of the full human dignity of the people involved in the phenomenon of drugs and has as corollaries the understanding of the complexity and importance of individual history, family and social of these people, as well as the consideration of drug addiction as a disease, and the consequential responsibility of the State in the implementation of the constitutional right to health care by drug addicts citizens and in combating social exclusion, without prejudice to the individual responsibility. ( ... ) 

    The principle of pragmatism complements the humanistic principle and determines an attitude of openness to innovation, through the account, without dogmas or pre-understandings, the results scientifically proven experiences tested in various areas of the fight against drugs and drug addiction the consequent adoption of solutions appropriate to the situation and that can provide positive practical results. (PCM, 1999). 

    Centrality in the citizen 
    The citizen is perceived dynamically throughout the different stages of the life cycle as co-responsible individual and ensures/manages his choices and behaviours in relation to his health, quality of life and well-being, as a citizen and user of services, as well as an active promoter element of the exercise of citizenship in contexts that he attends, along the different stages of his live.
    Integrated Intervention 
    The processes leading to CAD are diverse and often cumulative. They can be structural in nature and its manifestations may be economic, social, political and even cultural. Integration should be understood as a global, concerted and comprehensive response, which includes the various dimensions of the phenomena, allowing strategically articulating the actions to be developed.
    A model of integrated responses assumes an interdependent continuum of responses, namely prevention, dissuasion, harm and risk reduction, treatment and reintegration. Is based on a multidimensional reading of the reality of addictive behaviours and dependencies and a proximity intervention, multi and cross-sector, which allows you to maximize results and achieve social and health gains. This design dissociates itself from the partiality of the vision from the mere sum and juxtaposition of interventions, making it essential to have a strong investment in inter institutional articulation and in the formulation of strategic goals cross-sectional to interventions, thus avoiding the dispersion, taking advantage of the entire set of the available resources and potential synergies.
    Adopting the principle of territoriality to action within CAD means locating and defining a space to draw or foresee the intervention. It is assumed the territory as part of the intervention, the centre of the definition of a common and mobilising project with its own dynamics.
    The focus of the intervention is on the subject/target groups that you want to assist, taking into account the stages of development in which they are and the spaces they attend. Any effective and appropriate intervention should be based on the knowledge of reality, through the implementation of a robust diagnostic. This should include a global approach, articulated and theoretically substantiated that, in addition to the identification of the problems, recognizes the potential for change that exist in the social environment of intervention, as well as the available resources, with the participation of all the actors that have an important role in the community.
    Quality and Innovation 
    It is important to ensure approaches, models, requirements and practices based on logic of innovation and sustainability, based on evidence and to ensure the training and the continuous education of professionals and other stakeholders.
    A strong investment in quality can contribute to the sustainability of policies and responses, which can still be enhanced if there is an appeal to strategic alliances, channels of communication and cooperation with the strategic stakeholders.

